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string search within owned movies

Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:44 pm

I can be pretty lazy at times and hate scrolling through my lists. (plus i have that habit of not seeing buttons that are right in front of me)

Is there a way to run a string search within owned movies? eg. typing in 'shrek' to bring up the 5 shrek movies I own (or 'alien' to show the movies i own with alien in the title instead of the 108 results im currently getting)

Re: string search within owned movies

Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:56 pm

Nope, you can't combine a string search with a filtered search. Simply make your string search, and look for the titles that are underlined.

I don't see the point of making the interface more complex for a such a small added value.

Combining a string search with a filtered search would be overkill, considering that most string searches with at least 2 words only have a handful of results, and that most string searches with only 1 word are pretty meaningless.

Re: string search within owned movies

Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:59 pm

Cool, thanks for explaining

Re: string search within owned movies

Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:57 am

Ok so no search, when i think about it what would be even better is pressing 'j' 'm' 't' etc. to skip down to movies of that letter.

Saves MAJOR scrolling time with large coollection and no new UI or advanced search algorithms necessary. :D

Re: string search within owned movies

Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:00 am

Like here where when i press 'u' i go right down to 'uninstall.exe'

1.jpg (65.52 KiB) Viewed 8902 times

Re: string search within owned movies

Mon Feb 28, 2011 11:33 am

kakashi wrote:Ok so no search, when i think about it what would be even better is pressing 'j' 'm' 't' etc. to skip down to movies of that letter.

No, sorry, when you press a letter, that triggers a string search.

But I will add the behaviour that you describe to the combos. When you click a combo, the popdown appears, and sometimes it holds many values. You'll be able to press the first letters of the value you want to reach.

Re: string search within owned movies

Mon Feb 28, 2011 1:42 pm

No, sorry, when you press a letter, that triggers a string search.

Since thats already in use how about making it a key combo then?

Re: string search within owned movies

Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:07 pm

kakashi wrote:how about making it a key combo then?

A key combo ? Do you mean pressing the letter + another key (like control or alt) ?

Anyway I don't see the point of your request. But maybe I didn't understand you well.

For instance, you display your owned movies, and want to see the shrek movies you own. You'd like to press "S" to go down the list to the first movie starting with an "S". I don't understand why you don't just type "shrek", making appear the string search, and looking at the results that have their title underlined.

A combo of keys seems a complex solution, and most users won't even know about it.

Re: string search within owned movies

Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:46 pm

Also, what you suggest will only work if the grid is ordered alphabetically. Won't work when ordered by IMDb rating , popularity, etc...

I think the ratio "added complexity" vs. "added value" is pretty bad.

Re: string search within owned movies

Mon Feb 28, 2011 3:31 pm

I should probably be taking notes

Re: string search within owned movies

Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:31 pm

(cool) Hector wrote:Nope, you can't combine a string search with a filtered search. Simply make your string search, and look for the titles that are underlined.

IDEA: How about running the string search as it is now then omitting the titles that aren't underlined (if the user is in owned videos)

In would just be an addition of an 'if clause' to the display function, but to users it would feel like making a search within the owned videos 'tab'.

There would be no need for:

(cool) Hector wrote:Combining a string search with a filtered search

Re: string search within owned movies

Thu Mar 17, 2011 12:16 pm

kakashi wrote:IDEA: How about running the string search as it is now then omitting the titles that aren't underlined (if the user is in owned videos)

There would be no need for:

(cool) Hector wrote:Combining a string search with a filtered search

running the string search => string search
the user is in owned videos => filtered search

If you mean you're listing the movies you own, and then you make a string search, and the string search only shows the movies that you own, I think it would be very disturbing and not natural at all. The string search would have very few results, and the users would think it's a bug, because they wouldn't make the relation with the fact they were listing their owned movies just before.

Re: string search within owned movies

Thu Mar 17, 2011 1:44 pm

(cool) Hector wrote: I think it would be very disturbing and not natural at all.

Its actually quite natural that when you search you would see results based off what you are currently browsing.

  • A person search if you are in the persons panel
  • A encyclopedia search if you are browsing the entire encyclopedia
  • A owned videos search if you are in owned videos.

New users especially, on first instinct seem to have the logic that using a search will search the list they are in. (It happens almost every time someone uses my PC)


(cool) Hector wrote:the user is in owned videos => filtered search

only one filter would need to be applied. All others could be ignored/reset since:
(cool) Hector wrote:Combining a string search with a filtered search would be overkill


(cool) Hector wrote:the users would think it's a bug, because they wouldn't make the relation with the fact they were listing their owned movies

Keeping the "Owned Videos" text in red as long as the status filter is on "owned" would make it sure it is %100 obvious that results are limited to owned "Owned Videos"

Re: string search within owned movies

Thu Mar 17, 2011 3:34 pm

kakashi wrote:
  • A encyclopedia search if you are browsing the entire encyclopedia
  • A owned videos search if you are in owned videos.

"movie encyclopedia", "owned video" and "existing videos" are just shortcuts to quickly adjust the filters of the movie filtered search.

"movie encyclopedia" => no filter
"owned videos" => status = "owned"
"existing videos" => status = "existing video is available in stores"

With Coollector version 3, the organization of the interface will be slightly modified, to make it easier to figure out. There'll be tabs, and also we'll remove those 3 shortcuts (to replace them with new ones with numbers).

I had already posted a screenshot on this forum. Here is a more recent one:


Re: string search within owned movies

Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:05 pm

(cool) Hector wrote:"movie encyclopedia", "owned video" and "existing videos" are just shortcuts to quickly adjust the filters of the movie filtered search.

I was aware of that. I however believe that it is possible to make things simpler to figure out without crowding the interface.


On a different note: I thought version 3 was skinnable?
or was i mistaking it for 4?
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