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Give a pesonal number to each film

Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:08 am

I have already give a personal number stick on the pocket of each of my film ( like H123 for the horror film number 123). But I don't know how to inscribe these number on the program. If I want a film, it will be easier to find it on my shelves. With over 2000 films, I need this information to find it rapidly.

Re: Give a pesonal number to each film

Tue Feb 12, 2013 12:40 am

When you enter your owned videos, you just can set the location field to any value you want, for example "123".

Then you'll be able to use the "location" filter to find a location. The location filter isn't shown by default, you have to click the "more filters" button to show it. Notice that the location filter works only with your owned videos.
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