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Retrieve Owned Movies from VuDu.com account

Fri May 24, 2013 7:13 pm

Would be nice to be able to retrieve Movie List from Vudu.com. Along with if you own SD, HD or HDX. Have it where you tell it if you Own the Disc and or just Online copy. And have it where it can retrieve your wish list from your account.

Re: Retrieve Owned Movies from VuDu.com account

Fri May 24, 2013 8:05 pm

cdunnuck wrote:Have it where you tell it if you Own the Disc and or just Online copy.

With what service do you own an online copy? I had a look at the Vudu website, and it seems that you are renting the movies. They talk about buying, but I couldn't find any details about it.

I have plans to support subscription services like Netflix, or Amazon Instant, or Lovefilm, and why not VuDu. But it would only be a way to conveniently view their selection of movies to decide what to watch or rent. Of course, you wouldn't add the video as owned.

cdunnuck wrote:Along with if you own SD, HD or HDX.

If you know a service where you own an online copy, then you can add that copy like you'd add a DVD. You'll set the media type to whatever name you want, and the image type to SD, HD or HDX.

cdunnuck wrote:And have it where it can retrieve your wish list from your account.

You mean retrieve your wish list from the VuDu service? I think it's better to do it the other way around, which is to maintain your wishlist inside Coollector, and when we'll integrate Coollector with those subscription or rental services, you'll just have to apply the "wished" filter.
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