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Re: 3D Movies

Sun Dec 10, 2017 2:19 am

I planned to search for "3D" in the file name. I doubt that there's any guarantee that the file name will contain "(SBS)" or "(OU)".

Re: 3D Movies

Sun Dec 10, 2017 12:16 pm

Well thats not a good idear !
There are movies called 3D that are no 3D movies

The movie "if real 3D" becomes an extension in the file and in the foldername
this extension is like this : Avatar (2009) (SBS) or Avatar (2009) (OU)
SideBySide and OverUnder

So looking for 3D you wont find any results, in my case.
Maybe there are users that use 3D in the name of the file or folder... Don`t know that

Anyway in my case (SBS) and (OU) are the extensions that should be found

This way finding (SBS) and (OU) is finding a 3D movie


Re: 3D Movies

Sun Dec 10, 2017 12:43 pm

Skinamp wrote:There are movies called 3D that are no 3D movies

Of course. If one file has 3D in the name and the other file doesn't have 3D in the name, it won't be considered as a duplicate. If both files have / don't have 3D in the name, it'll be considered as a duplicate. It's the best I can do.

Skinamp wrote:The movie "if real 3D" becomes an extension in the file and in the foldername
this extension is like this : Avatar (2009) (SBS) or Avatar (2009) (OU)

Coollector doesn't scan .sbs and .ou files. All Coollector knows about the file is the folder name, and that's what it has to work with.

Having (SBS) or (OU) in the file name is your own convention. I have to do something that'll work for all users.

Re: 3D Movies

Sun Dec 10, 2017 12:44 pm

Dear Skinamp, I am sorry to say that neither sbs or ou are the file extentions. THose are simply the terms of the file name. The extension of the file is the general extensions like .mkv, .avi, .mp4 etc.

Re: 3D Movies

Sun Dec 10, 2017 1:10 pm

I see you do not understand what i write, so i did not explain it correct. Try it again!

Its not ".sbs" or ".ou"

It is :
Avatar (2009) (SBS)/Avatar (2009) (SBS).MKV

So finding (OU) and (SBS) like finding (CD1) and (CD2)


Re: 3D Movies

Sun Dec 10, 2017 1:58 pm

Skinamp wrote:It is :
Avatar (2009) (SBS)/Avatar (2009) (SBS).MKV

So finding (OU) and (SBS) like finding (CD1) and (CD2)

As I said, it's your own convention and not everybody follows that convention. On the contrary, if a user has a 3D file, there'll most certainly be "3D" in the file name.

If I work on a feature, it has to be useful to all the users, not just a single user.

Re: 3D Movies

Sun Dec 10, 2017 2:23 pm

I do understand that !

I think you want a good program ?
So when someone with 4000 movies finds problems that make working
with the program difficult (by almost 150 3D movies) i think it`s a good
thing to find a solution that works ?

Finding 3D is not the way to solve the problem
Whats wrong with excluding (SBS) (OU) and (3D) from doubles

I don't see the advantage of searching for 3D

Re: 3D Movies

Sun Dec 10, 2017 2:29 pm

Add a quck scan of my 3D movies HDD
maybe it helps you to find a solution

3d and dubbles.cool
(23.05 KiB) Downloaded 735 times

Re: 3D Movies

Sun Dec 10, 2017 2:30 pm

Skinamp wrote:Whats wrong with excluding (SBS) (OU) and (3D) from doubles

The algorithm will be more complex and slower when you're the only one with "(SBS)" or "(OU)" in your file names. But ok, I will do it.

Re: 3D Movies

Sun Dec 10, 2017 2:36 pm

Thats very nice, it makes working with 3D movies a lot easyer.

Re: 3D Movies

Tue Jan 09, 2018 4:30 pm

with the last update its not implemented !
Will it be with the next update ?
I believe you wrote its easy for you to do

Re: 3D Movies

Tue Jan 09, 2018 4:44 pm

It is implemented with the latest version.

Please give me some examples where it doesn't work.

Re: 3D Movies

Tue Jan 09, 2018 5:55 pm

It don't works at all !
All 3D movies (that i also own as 2D version), are still listed as doubles.
59 of 108 exactly.

Did you exclude "3D" or "(SBS)" and "(OU)" in the flename ?

filename.jpg (22.4 KiB) Viewed 12679 times

Re: 3D Movies

Tue Jan 09, 2018 6:14 pm

Sorry, I had forgotten about the "(SBS)" and "(OU)" thing. My bad.

Re: 3D Movies

Tue Jan 09, 2018 6:20 pm

I'll forgive you :D
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