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Today I learned that when installing a backup......

Mon Jun 14, 2021 4:59 pm

Trying to navigate between a PC and Mac at the same time is causing me brain damage. :rofl:
Today I learned that when installing a backup, the file will look something like this...


But in order for the software to read it, it has to look like this...

MyCoollection.cool :hi:

And that is what I have learned today. :V:

Re: Today I learned that when installing a backup......

Mon Jun 14, 2021 7:05 pm


If you launch Coollector.exe, it'll read the default coollection file (with the default name "MyCoollection.cool" and located at the default location).

But you could also double-click MyCoollection.2021.06.13.113017.cool and it'll open. You can have as many coollection files on you computer as you want, and you can put them anywhere you want.

Personally I've put mine on the desktop and I've even set a keyboard shortcut to launch it swiftly ;)
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