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filter by pack

Sat Sep 11, 2010 5:46 pm

How do I fliter my coollection of owned videos for custom packs. For instance, I would select the "packed" filter and then look in the drop down menu for my custom packs such as "Christmas" movies that I have grouped but none of the custom packs i made are in there. How do I filter this custom pack. Thanks.

Re: filter by pack

Sat Sep 11, 2010 6:22 pm

If you know which pack you're looking for, you probably also know at least one movie that's inside that pack.

Simply go to that movie, and you'll reach the pack from the "owned videos" box.

Otherwise, from the filtered search, the best you can get is the list of the movies you own inside packs:

1) click "owned videos".

2) click the "more filters" button to make appear the packed filter.

3) set the packed filter to "packed".

Of course, if you know you're searching a 4-packed video, you can set the packed filter to "4-packed".
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