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Auto Close Update

Fri Jun 17, 2011 1:31 pm

Hey! :)

Thanks again for working on this program! I say again that it is the best one out there, at least that I have found! It is easy to use and does more for the user automatically!

Speaking of automatic, I would like to humbly request one feature be added to the auto-update feature.

I was wondering if it could be added that when you set the program to do auto-updates when it first opens, that there could be an option to have it auto-close the little update box once it completes it, instead of having to click it to close it.

I know that when there is a program update, that I will have to click a couple of times so it will install. But when it doesn't need to do a major install, maybe that could be an option? I mean, like price updates and stuff don't require anything but that little box, so that would be a perfect example of what I mean. Just auto-update and auto-close that little update box.

I realize some people might want that little box to stay open. That's why I said maybe have it as an option.

Maybe??? Yes??? No??? Go kill myself in a blazing drum of gasoline??? :)

Thanks! :)

Re: Auto Close Update

Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:09 pm

GiantWaffle wrote:Maybe??? Yes??? No???

I don't know. I'm very surprised by your request.

The box reports what the update actually did. It would be frustrating to have the box disappear before you have time to read the displayed message.

And closing the box is so easy, you just have to press the ESC key or the ENTER key. How can it bother you ?

I try not to add too many options, I don't won't the program to transform into a gas factory.
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