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[CLOSED] [BETA TESTING] Second beta of Coollector 3

Tue Jul 05, 2011 6:56 pm

Here is the second beta of the upcoming version 3 of Coollector:


What you need to know:

You must install this beta in the same place that you installed Coollector.

Instead of using MyCoollection.cool, this beta uses MyCoollection.beta2.cool.

This way, you can use the beta without risking to compromise your data.

Keep using version 2 to manage your coollection, and use the beta to make all the experiments you can think of.

When MyCoollection.beta.cool doesn't exist, it is created from MyCoollection.cool.

So if you want to resynchronize the data of the beta version, delete MyCoollection.beta.cool, and it will be recreated.

What remains to be done:

* replace the combo boxes (the current boxes have a scrollbar bug, they can't manage copy & paste, and they don't look OS native).

* fix picture zooming (there are some visual glitches under Windows 7 and Vista).

* restore the keyboard shortcuts TAB and ENTER to navigate and activate the buttons.

* a few other minor things.

How to report a bug:

Please reply to this thread to report any bug you might find in the beta 2.

Thank you very much for your help !
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