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is there a way to add movies from a txt list ? excel ?

Sun May 06, 2012 8:02 pm

is there a way to add movies from a txt list ? excel ?

i have many many movies stored on disks and names in a excel file

tnk you


Re: is there a way to add movies from a txt list ? excel ?

Sun May 06, 2012 8:18 pm

nat wrote:i have many many movies stored on disks and names in a excel file

If your movies are on disk, you just have to scan them, no need for the excel file.

You click the menu "Tools->Scan my video files" and point to the folder where your video files are stored.

nat wrote:is there a way to add movies from a txt list ? excel ?

Not currently, but adding an import feature to the program is second on my todo list. First on my list is adding a skin feature, and it still needs a few more weeks of work.
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