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Modification in Color Pallette

Tue Oct 24, 2017 1:36 pm

The existing color pallette is very hard to use. Because there is no slider to change the values neither Hex code mode is available.


You can replace the color pallette with something similar to below screenshot (Color pallette of paint.net)

Color2.jpg (20.2 KiB) Viewed 11838 times

Re: Modification in Color Pallette

Tue Oct 24, 2017 2:49 pm

I'm using the default color palette provided by Windows (or Mac if you have a Mac). If you use the Windows Paint app, you'll see it's the exact same palette.

Maybe paint.net has created its own palette, I don't know, but it's clearly not something that I plan to do, especially because I prefer the native palette. I think it's quite ergonomic, and you can "add custom colors" which is very convenient for example when you set the border colors in the skin editor. Once you've found the good color, you add it to the custom colors and you can select it again for another border with only one click.

P.S: most dialogs in Coollector are native (color selector, file selector, font selector, etc...)

Re: Modification in Color Pallette

Tue Oct 24, 2017 2:58 pm

(cool) Hector wrote:I think it's quite ergonomic, and you can "add custom colors" which is very convenient for example when you set the border colors in the skin editor. Once you've found the good color, you add it to the custom colors and you can select it again for another border with only one click.

Yes I also love that feature, but the problem with it is that it doesn't remember the color the very next time I open the color palette.

Re: Modification in Color Pallette

Tue Oct 24, 2017 3:14 pm

You're nitpicking :down:

This behavior is clearly intentional, it's not a mistake, it's a design choice. This feature is for small tasks that are quickly completed, and as soon as it's finished it doesn't make much sense to remember which colors you've used.
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