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An occasional problem with adding files

Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:51 pm

Only crops up rarely, but it's annoying when it happens :-), and popped up again just recently.

It's when I'm manually adding files, several files for one entry (either episodes of a series, and/or 'extras' for a movie), and for whatever reason I can't use the automatic scan (it keeps picking up the wrong film with the same name, or the files are in an 'extras' directory I don't want to rename, etc.).

So, the procedure I follow (to save my time :-)), is to click play, then click 'associate a new video file...'; after the first time it opens in the same directory each time (have to navigate there for the first file).

Then; double click on the file to add, which opens up the 'edit properties' dialog box, then hit the return key twice (as the correct options are highlighted by default), and you're back at the main entry, with the new file added; rinse and repeat...

But every now and again, when you tap the return key twice, it instead deletes all the associated entries for that movie (including the one you've just added). The movie still counts as associated, the name has the 'owned' highlight in the window, and when you hit the 'play' button, it acts as though there are associated files (that is, it brings up the option box, with 'associate new video file...' at the top, and has the split where the files would be underneath - but, there are no files listed, and the 'owned video' box is empty). And when you click off the movie, and back on to it again; it's as if it was never owned at all.

(the specific entry I was seeing this behaviour just recently, was the 1981 Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but it has cropped up in the past).

If I was guessing, it would be another one of these race condition-type bugs, where it would all work fine if I was just a little slower :-), but I thought worth bringing up...


Re: An occasional problem with adding files

Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:07 pm

Thank you for reporting this bug!

I suspect it's a bug that slightly corrupts the coollection file. Please send me your coollection file so I can see if I'm right or wrong. Then I'll try to find the origin of this problem.

My email address: hector at coollector dot com
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