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Mysterious addition of Hulu details to 'Owned' list

Tue Sep 08, 2020 1:21 pm

Has anyone else using v4.16.5 found that films available on Hulu appear to have been added to 'Owned' list?
Some of the films I did enter on my 'Owned' list have mysteriously had a duplicate added.
I cannot delete the Hulu entry
.If I try to, the program deletes my original entry, but leaves the Hulu details and redirects me to the Hulu page. I am not subscribed to Hulu, nor do I wish to be. I do want my 'Owned' list to accurately reflect my collection and the addition of a so-called owned Hulu film is not part of that choice.
Strangely, the film title in the top-right-hand pane does not highlight, although the box on centre -left of the screen states that '...video owned' .

I am running Windows 10 Home on a 64bit, Fusion5 laptop/tablet.

Re: Mysterious addition of Hulu details to 'Owned' list

Tue Sep 08, 2020 1:48 pm

Feararamac wrote:films available on Hulu appear to have been added to 'Owned' list?

It's normal behaviour. When you're subscribed to Hulu or Netflix, you can play all the movies and shows from their catalog, it's like you own them.

Feararamac wrote:I am not subscribed to Hulu, nor do I wish to be.

At some point you have downloaded the Hulu catalog. You just have to remove it.

Simply use the menu "Tools->Hulu Catalog->Remove Hulu Catalog".

Re: Mysterious addition of Hulu details to 'Owned' list

Tue Sep 08, 2020 2:51 pm

Thank you Everything is back to normal, now that Hulu catlog removed. :clap:
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