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Recently Owned and Watched

Mon May 09, 2022 7:30 pm


Related to that other one, I was looking to see if 'Watched' did in fact work the same as 'Rated' - when you select 'Owned' movies and 'Watched - Rated or Not' it works correctly - returns the same list as 'Owned' and 'Rated'; if you set a movie as 'Watched' but don't rate, then it shows up as expected on the 'Watched - Rated or Not' and 'Watched but not rated' but not 'Rated' lists.

However - if you select 'Recently Owned' instead - then the 'Watched - Rated or Not' list only shows movies with a negative rating - all the neutral or positively rated movies do not show. Strangely, with 'Recently Owned' movies, the 'Watched but not rated' list *also* shows this same list of negatively rated movies, which seems even more wrong...


Re: Recently Owned and Watched

Mon May 09, 2022 9:54 pm

Orclev wrote:if you select 'Recently Owned' instead - then the 'Watched - Rated or Not' list only shows movies with a negative rating

Thank you very much, you've found a bug!

It'll be fixed with the next version ;)
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