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Crashing bug

Wed Jan 25, 2023 1:20 am


Another one that's cropped up; with filters set to 'Owned' and 'Not Watched', if I then rate a film Coolector crashes. Same thing happens when unrating a film with 'Watched' or 'Recently Watched' set; also when changing the rating on a watched film with the filter set to 'watched', so not just adding/removing. Although I guess changing could count as removing then adding. The changes are there when I reopen the app so it happens after that.

It's a 'clean' crash ("Coollector encountered an error...") so creates .dmp and .xml crash files if you can't reproduce it.


Re: Crashing bug

Wed Jan 25, 2023 1:41 am

Thank you very much for your report!

Here's a version that fixes the bugs you previously reported in another thread:

I've tried it and it doesn't seem to crash for what you describe.

Could you please try give it a try?

Re: Crashing bug

Wed Jan 25, 2023 2:40 am

The 'Predicted' bug is fixed but I'm still getting the crashes; I've uploaded the crash files from the most recent one, which may shed some light.

(195.09 KiB) Downloaded 497 times
(7.73 KiB) Downloaded 468 times

Re: Crashing bug

Wed Jan 25, 2023 12:13 pm

Indeed I can make it crash the version I've given you. But when I used the debug version, it doesn't crash at all. Unfortunately, the crash dump created by the release version doesn't give any useful information.

I'll have a hard time fixing this one :worried:

Re: Crashing bug

Wed Jan 25, 2023 5:52 pm

Another data point which may or may not help - I get the same crashing behavior when I add a rating with 'Owned' and 'Predicted Excellent' filters set. It also happens if the Predicted filter is changed to something else, but not if it is cleared :

Filters 'Owned' + 'Predicted Excellent' - select movie from list - change rating - Crash
Filters 'Owned' + 'Predicted Excellent' - select movie from list - clear Predicted filter - change rating - no crash
Filters 'Owned' + 'Predicted Excellent' - select movie from list - change Predicted filter to 'Very Good and below', so selected movie is no longer in list - change rating - Crash

It does look like the list visibly refreshes after the crash message box appears; maybe its something to do with whatever updates the movie list after a change in a field that could affect the list? (like when clearing the 'Wished' field makes a movie disappear from the 'Wished' filtered list?

Anyway, if there's anything I can try out to help let me know.


Re: Crashing bug

Wed Jan 25, 2023 7:39 pm

Orclev wrote:Anyway, if there's anything I can try out to help let me know.

No worries, I've finally nailed it :w00t:

I've had to compare new code with previous code that didn't crash. Very tedious because I had made a lot of changes.

Re: Crashing bug

Fri Jan 27, 2023 12:43 am

New version 4.21.1 has been released.
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