Remove check on watched movies
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Author:  Jimbo [ Mon Nov 27, 2023 12:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Remove check on watched movies

Is it possible to remove the check for watched in all of my DVDs? I would like to re-watch all of them then re-check them as watched.

Author:  (cool) Hector [ Mon Nov 27, 2023 1:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remove check on watched movies

Our app is "Coollector Movie Database"

I think you're confusing it with "Movie Collector" from

Not the first time this kind of mix up happens :roll:

Author:  Jimbo [ Tue Nov 28, 2023 2:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remove check on watched movies

Hi Hector, No, I did not confuse it with collectorz. I do have collectorz but I liked your format and I am looking at it for a replacement. As I mentioned, I want to start watching all of my movies and would like to remove the check from the watched box. If there is a way to uncheck using a batch process that would be helpful.

Thank you, Jimbo

Author:  (cool) Hector [ Tue Nov 28, 2023 5:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remove check on watched movies

Jimbo wrote:
would like to remove the check from the watched box.

Ok, you got me confused, it's not really a check but rather a smiley (if you rated) or an eye (if you didn't rate).

Such a feature doesn't exist, but it's not hard for me to add it. Let me release the next version, then I'll look into it. What I'm thinking about is something quick and dirty like a keyboard shortcut, probably CONTROL + R, that would allow to reset all your ratings. We could later extend this shortcut to also propose to reset other things like your owned DVDs, your tags, etc...

Author:  (cool) Hector [ Tue Nov 28, 2023 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Remove check on watched movies

Jimbo wrote:
I want to start watching all of my movies

What you could do is use the filter "recently watched". Because the latest movies you've watched would be at the top, you'd just have to pick up movies from the bottom.

Another idea: if you've only marked the movies as "watched", a fresh rewatch is a good opportunity to give them a real rating this time.

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