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Coollector on android tablet?

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 7:26 am
by roonekoos

I wonder if there are plans to make this great program available for the tablet running on android, samsung tablet for example.

That would be awesome.


Re: Coollector on android tablet?

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2012 9:47 am
by (cool) Hector
Yes, that would be awesome, but it's a very difficult task, so there's no chance that it'll happen soon. For a while, I'll focus all my energy improving the Mac and Windows versions (there's well enough to occupy me).

Coollector is available on both Mac and Windows, because it's written with a cross-platform library called wxWidgets.

Unfortunately, as I speak, wxWidgets isn't of any help to make a version of Coollector for smartphones and tablets, but there are plans for wxWidgets to support iOS and Android in the future:!topic/wx-users/yxI8kxp1ph8

If wxWidgets evolves as planned, it'll be a lot much easier to port Coollector. Otherwise, it'll be necessary to write a new program entirely from scratch. It's not something that I would do myself. I'd rather wait for Coollector to become successful enough to be able to hire a programmer for that task.

Re: Coollector on android tablet?

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:15 pm
by roonekoos
Sorry I was out for some time, thanks anyway for the clear reply.

I hope it will happen in the future, I am ready to pay for such an app for sure.