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database errors

Sat Sep 01, 2018 1:35 pm

tt0450385 1408 (2007) It's not a series and not talk-show

tt0899128 100 Feet (2008) It's not a series and not documentary, comedy, also wrong year.

Re: database errors

Sat Sep 01, 2018 2:05 pm

Thank you very much!

A small bug has corrupted several movies. I've now identified and fixed this bug. Everything will be alright with the next version.

Re: database errors

Sat May 29, 2021 5:10 am

I have been struggling with an error that I just can't sort out. At least I have got it to the stage of being able to reliably replicate it. When I select the <Movie Title Search> tab and type in 'Bull', I get a <Coollector Movie Database Error> box and Coollector opens up an explorer window for in <Local\Temp\Coollector_dbgrpt-12404-20210529T122419>. There are many similar folders in <Local\Temp>. I guess that reflects how many times I have tried to fix it. Coollector crashes and the only way I have found to get out of it is to press the X on the top right side of the Coollector window.

I have attached a screenshot of Coollector just after it crashed and the contents of the folder Coollector_dbgrpt-12404-20210529T122419, i.e. 2 files.

Do you need a copy of my database? It is 510KB in size.

Please help
This is in Coollector_dbgrpt-12404-20210529T122419
(7.55 KiB) Downloaded 657 times
This is in Coollector_dbgrpt-12404-20210529T122419
(871.73 KiB) Downloaded 692 times
Coollector Movie Database Error.png
Screenshot edited in GIMP 2.14

Re: database errors

Sat May 29, 2021 10:34 am

Phantom54 wrote:There are many similar folders in <Local\Temp>.

When crashing, the app creates what is called a "crash dump". There's one folder for each crash. You can delete them.

Phantom54 wrote:Do you need a copy of my database? It is 510KB in size.

Yes please, because it doesn't crash with my database.

My email: hector at coollector dot com
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