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need to understand packs and filtering for location/storage

Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:22 pm

I am new to the software and I wish to be able to sort my movies by a location that I have them stored. For instance, I have burned a lot of DVDs from TCM network and have them in binders. I currently have 3 binders and ready to work on a fourth.

I wasnt sure what filter or section to use for this feature so I used Pack. the first binder I labeled "1" in Pack and so on. After I finished logging in binder "2" in Pack and then I started on "3". At that time I noticed in the drop down menu in the Pack box that I only had a choice of Pack 1 or 3 for names. Pack 2 disappeared and it looks like all of my pack 2 movies flooded into 3.

i cant remember if I had shut down the software in between logging in the movies between binder number 2 and 3.

How do i fix this problem or know the proper procedure or is there a better filter or way to categorize this than using pack for future reference.

Would I be able to sort or filter just a pack or binder number so I can see what i have in that binder.


Thu Jul 08, 2010 4:02 pm

tonysclassicmovies wrote:is there a better filter or way to categorize this than using pack for future reference.

Would I be able to sort or filter just a pack or binder number so I can see what i have in that binder.

Yes of course. You should have used the "location" field instead.

For all the movies from the first binder, you could set the location field to "binder 1". Then the movies from "binder 2", and those from "binder 3"...

Then you'll use the "location" search filter, which is one of the additional search filters => you'll have to click the "more filters" button to show it.

P.S: about the "pack" field, it's used to create your own custom packs... You enter the first movie, and say it's part of a pack, to which you give a name. Then you enter the second movie and say it's part of this pack. Then you enter the third movie, etc...

Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:27 pm

thanks. I must have missed that filter selection. I'll look again when I get home.

so to understand the packs - is that like a personal playlist in itunes where it can be thematic such as all Alfred Hitchcock movies or all sci-fi, etc.

but it is not a pack as it relates to the packs in the commercial sense of a movie that is listed in your database that may say "9 pack" in the title area.

that's where it was confusing to me as to the intention and use of the pack filter.



Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:53 pm

tonysclassicmovies wrote:so to understand the packs - is that like a personal playlist in itunes where it can be thematic such as all Alfred Hitchcock movies or all sci-fi, etc.

Nope. A pack is simply a video that contains several movies in the same package. For instance, the 4-pack Alien Quadrilogy.

tonysclassicmovies wrote:but it is not a pack as it relates to the packs in the commercial sense of a movie that is listed in your database that may say "9 pack" in the title area.

It's exactly in that sense. If you own a pack of movies, but it's not (yet) in our database of existing videos, you can add it anyway, by creating the pack yourself.
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