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Program crashes every time.

Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:08 pm

Yesterday Coollector updated itself to 2.96 version. I added about 5 new films, after that program crashed. It restarted ok, but every time I tried to search for a film or select one from my owned films, program crashed. I did this about ten times with same result. Then I tried backup database. It worked fine when I added some films. Today I started Coollector again and it crashes every time I try to do just about anything. OS is Vista. Before 2.96 version I didn't have any problems.

Re: Program crashes every time.

Fri Jan 21, 2011 3:18 pm

Thank you very much for reporting your problem. It's possible that we have introduced a bug.

Please send me your coollection file at this address: hector at coollector dot com.

I'll look at it to see if it's a corruption.

Re: Program crashes every time.

Sat Jan 22, 2011 12:28 am

after todays update, I cannot open the program. Running XP

Re: Program crashes every time.

Sat Jan 22, 2011 1:08 am

stevef wrote:after todays update, I cannot open the program. Running XP

It's not the same problem as TTK, because he can open the program.

After updates, we've already had a few cases of users who could not open the program anymore.

The reasons are still unknown, but it was easily fixed by uninstalling the program and installing the latest version.

Could you please try this ?

Also, are you using the portable version or the normal version of the program ?

Re: Program crashes every time.

Sat Jan 22, 2011 1:45 am

I can't opet the program after update either. I do uninstall and then install the program, downloaded from the (NOT the portable version) and still have this problem.
Running Win7

Hope you fix it soon.

Re: Program crashes every time.

Sat Jan 22, 2011 1:52 am

Romanticen wrote:Hope you fix it soon.

I will need your collaboration.

Now it's too late and I'm going to bed, but tomorrow I'll build you a special version of the program to try to locate the origin of the problem.

Re: Program crashes every time.

Sat Jan 22, 2011 1:58 am

Do you get a message when the program crashes ?

Does it generate a crash dump report ?

Re: Program crashes every time.

Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:16 am

(cool) Hector wrote:Do you get a message when the program crashes ?

Does it generate a crash dump report ?

Could not connect to database is the message sometimes, but sometimes there is no message, just the proccess which uses 50% of the CPU :/

Re: Program crashes every time.

Sat Jan 22, 2011 2:19 am

here is the picture
Untitled.jpg (17.35 KiB) Viewed 7652 times

Re: Program crashes every time.

Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:02 am

Romanticen wrote:here is the picture

I'm surprised that it did not generate a crash report. Normally it should have generated a crash report.

A crash report is Coollector opening a folder with 2 files, Coollector.dmp and Coollector.xml.

Please try this special version of Coollector which hopefully will generate a crash report:

and mail me Coollector.dmp and Coollector.xml at this address:

coollector at coollector dot com

Thank you very much !

Re: Program crashes every time.

Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:33 am

I had similar problems after updating. Installing from scratch helped with the startup crashes. Using the portable version on Win7x64.

After a little fiddling around I managed to reproduce certain crashing conditions. In my case all revolves around the "hide existing videos" settings.

If i try to check all radio boxes except Blu-Ray the app crashed somtimes after one, sometimes after all boxes have been set. Sometimes setting all worked.

After trying around some more I noticed that the crash did not happen when a movie was selected that had none of the excluded versions available. In that case selection of all the radio boxes is possible without crashing. Closing ant reopening the app works fine.

Afterwards, as soon as a movie with the excluded versions is selected however, the app crashes reliably again and again.

On a sidenote, you might want to take another look at the new listing grid, since when a movie is both linked with a -file and is rated, the movie name and the rating symols (or the series icon) overlap in most styles.

Hope this will help.



Re: Program crashes every time.

Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:48 am

RayTRoX wrote:In my case all revolves around the "hide existing videos" settings.

That's extremely interesting !!!

Indeed, I did all my testings without hiding any existing videos. Now I will try again, and hopefully I'll be able to make the program crash.

RayTRoX wrote:On a sidenote, you might want to take another look at the new listing grid, since when a movie is both linked with a -file and is rated, the movie name and the rating symbols (or the series icon) overlap in most styles.

Thank you very much ! I'll fix that with the next version. Please report any other problem you've noticed.

RayTRoX wrote:Hope this will help.

I think your help was tremendous :yahoo:

Re: Program crashes every time.

Sat Jan 22, 2011 11:52 am

I changed my settings and... THE PROGRAM CRASHED !!!

:yahoo: :excited:

RayTRoX, you da boss :V: :clap:

And that explains everything: both the crashes at startup and the crashes while browsing the movies (it could have been 2 distinct problems).

Re: Program crashes every time.

Sat Jan 22, 2011 12:41 pm

Please replace your Coollector.exe with this one

and please confirm that the program doesn't crash anymore.

Re: Program crashes every time.

Sat Jan 22, 2011 5:15 pm

Looks good, no more crashes with active hiding settings.

Great work.


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