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Re: Endless loops

Fri Sep 07, 2012 2:47 pm

gigagiggles wrote:As I switched between the folders, the file would appear or disappear. Eventually, neither remained. But the endless loops continued while the download meter continued to climb.

Yes, that's what I've observed too: the pictures are downloaded, deleted, downloaded again, endlessly. But I could observe it, I wasn't in debug mode, so I couldn't trace the origin of the bug.

gigagiggles wrote:But if the servers keep throwing corrupt jpgs or the files are somehow not getting through intact, Coollector becomes an offline movie database program.

I've checked all the servers, the pictures are fine, and I download them fine on my computer.

Since you're the only one to easily reproduce the endless loop, I will prepare you a special version that will log all the download activity. Hopefully by looking at those logs I'll be able to understand the nature of the problem.

Please allow me a few hours to prepare that special version.

Re: Endless loops

Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:07 pm

I just did a "clean" install. I moved all the documents\coollector and public documents\coollector stuff out and reinstalled 3.22.7. One consolation was moving My Skin #2 back in.

I ran the program and for some reason it chose Chronicle! Anyways, the endless loops were there. It was able to get six actor pictures. The rest of the top third of the actors and the bottom third were in endless loops. The middle third had no searches. There were no movie posters and existing video posters. However, empty folders were generated for Items 17 and Medias 34 and 36. In addition, as seen in personsfolder.png, folders were generated for Persons and only five had jpgs in them, one folder containing two jpgs.

I closed the program and ran it again using the linked executable. This time, I get the corrupted existing video jpg, the movie poster and three more actor jpgs, two of them corrupted, as seen in chronicle3.png. Notice also the blue loop in the center of the movie poster. This is new! The movie poster jpg is not corrupt and is accessible.

If there are registry entries that point to Chronicle, maybe I'll have to do a bleached clean install of Coollector.

Re: Endless loops

Fri Sep 07, 2012 3:19 pm

gigagiggles wrote:If there are registry entries that point to Chronicle, maybe I'll have to do a bleached clean install of Coollector.

Please don't try to fix anything. It's great that we have an endless loop at hand. I'm working on the version I told you about.

Re: Endless loops

Fri Sep 07, 2012 4:31 pm

Here is the special version that will record the program activity.

When a certain amount of activity has been recorded, the program will close and open a folder where you'll find a file "log.txt".

Your goal is to send me a log.txt file that records an infinite loop.

Thank you very much for your help !

Re: Endless loops

Sat Sep 08, 2012 6:47 am

(2.6 KiB) Downloaded 376 times

Re: Endless loops

Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:49 am

gigagiggles wrote:Tada!
Tada indeed ! Now I know what's happening :yahoo:

When Coollector communicates with the server, for a reason that I need to determine, it doesn't receive the right size information
=> Coollector deletes the file and tries to download it again
=> infinite loop.

Here is one last test program:

It works exactly like the first one, except that this time it will record the communication with the server.

(I suspect that your internet monitoring program is messing up with the http headers).

Re: Endless loops

Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:40 pm

(1.5 KiB) Downloaded 386 times

Re: Endless loops

Sat Sep 08, 2012 4:15 pm

To begin with, here is a temporary solution that will allow you to use Coollector again:

That version will work on your computer because it simply doesn't check the size of the file. The problem is that you might get corrupted pictures from time to time.

On your computer, Coollector doesn't get the file size because the "Transfer-Encoding" is "chunked". I need to make some reseach to understand why this happens (are you using a download accelerator program ?), if I can prevent it, or if I can work with it.

Stay tuned, as I'll probably have some test versions for you to try.

Re: Endless loops

Sat Sep 08, 2012 4:44 pm

What version of Windows do you have ?

Do you use a program that could interfere with your internet connection ?

Have you tried closing such programs to identify the culprit ?

If you identify a program that causes the problem, please tell me what program it is.

Re: Endless loops

Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:24 pm

Do you still get the endless loop with this version ?

Re: Endless loops

Sat Sep 08, 2012 6:41 pm

Ding! Ding! Ding!

And the winner, by TKO over endless loops, is Hector the Coollector!

The temporary solution worked!

Test3 took a long time to resolve or default initially and now it is in an endless loop state. I had just used the temporary solution to update about 50 titles with not much delay in response times. I then visited this forum and downloaded test3. When I ran it, the transfer rate seemed throttled down, according to VZAccess Manager.

I closed and ran it again and this time, on the title Demon Spies, most of the actors defaulted quickly and all that was left was the existing video poster and one actor, and these two were in endless loops while VZAccess Manager was showing high download transfer rates.

Also, under the temporary solution, when I navigated to Chronicle where it had corrupted existing video posters and several corrupted actor pics, I was able to fix the video posters by clicking on them and refreshing them. I could not do the same for the actors. All it did was trigger Google search and another window. The corrupted actor pics remained.

I use Windows 7 Home Premium x64 and as previously mentioned, Norton Internet Security. My PaleMoonx64 browser has add-ons and plug-ins, but I've used Coollector with PaleMoon running and not running.

Re: Endless loops

Sat Sep 08, 2012 7:00 pm

gigagiggles wrote:The temporary solution worked!

Of course. Not checking the file size was easy, but that means that corrupted pictures are not detected.

The good news would have been if Test3 had worked. I have no idea why you receive the pictures in chunks. It doesn't happen to me when I connect to the exact same server as you. It's a complete mystery.

Test3 forced HTTP 1.0 protocol. Only HTTP 1.1 supports chunk transfer. Why do you still receive chunked files ? It seems that the reason is external to Coollector, but I don't know what it is.

gigagiggles wrote:I was able to fix the video posters by clicking on them and refreshing them. I could not do the same for the actors.

Refreshing with F5 doesn't work ?

Re: Endless loops

Sat Sep 08, 2012 7:13 pm

gigagiggles wrote:according to VZAccess Manager

Have you tried using Coollector with this program shut down ?

Re: Endless loops

Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:54 am

Oops, I made a mistake with Test3. It's normal that it didn't work.

Please try Test4:

Fingers crossed !

Re: Endless loops

Sun Sep 09, 2012 10:42 am

"Fingers crossed !"

Sorry! The download link gave a 404 Not Found.


VZAccess Manager is what I use to get Verizon to open my portal to the Internet.


I had removed the corrupt actors pics. The executable that doesn't check for file size updated the pics.
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